{{brand}} located at {{address_1}}, {{address_2}}, {{address_3}}, operate this website where you can earn rewards by registering with us, providing the requested information and completing Deals. By accessing and using this site, you agree and accept these Terms & Conditions.

If you do not agree and accept these Terms & Conditions, please do not use this website.

This website is directed to people residing in the United Kingdom. We do not represent that content on or available through this site is available or appropriate for use in other locations.

We do not guarantee that the site or any content within, will always be available or be uninterrupted. We may suspend or withdraw availability of all or any part the site for operational or business reasons at any point. We will give notice where possible.

How the Rewards Work.

To earn a Reward, you must:

  1. be at least 18 years old and a resident of the United Kingdom;
  2. submit your accurate name, contact and demographic information including your valid telephone number, date of birth, residential mailing and email addresses;
  3. complete the survey questions;
  4. complete the required number of Deals for the applicable Reward as set forth in the table below within a 20 day period, beginning with the date of your first completed Deal (if you register but don't complete a Deal, the 20 day period does not start);
  5. start the Reward claims process within 10 days of when you complete the required number of Deals;
  6. complete the Manual Credit Packet verification process (if applicable) within 60 days of starting the Reward claim process; and
  7. Provide a properly completed claim form and supporting documentation (see below) within 30 days of us sending you the claim form If you fail to complete the foregoing steps within the required timescales, you may (in our absolute discretion) lose any progress that you have made (including any Deals completed) up until the point of the expiry of the relevant time period.
  8. start the Reward claims process within 10 days of when you complete the required number of Deals;

To claim a reward with a value of £100 you must complete:

To claim a reward with a value of £100 you must complete:

To claim a reward with a value of £250 you must complete:

To claim a reward with a value of £500 you must complete:

To claim a reward with a value of £1000 you must complete:

You must use the same accurate contact information for completing the required Deals as you did during the registration process. If you don't complete all of the requisite Deals during your initial visit to the website, go to the "Reward Status" page, log in and use the provided link that will enable you to resume signing up for Deals or contact customer support who will provide you with a re-entry link. You should retain any confirmation emails or other documentation received applicable to the completed Deals. You cannot sign up for the same deal more than once to get credit for a Reward.

The Bronze, Silver and , Gold Deals appear after the registration forms, and surveys which do not count towards earning a reward. To be credited with the completion of a Deal as shown in the table above, you must first access the Deal through the site or by a link provided by the support team. We use third-party services to verify your registration information.
If your registration information is determined to be invalid, we reserve the right to not display the pages containing the Promotion. In that case, you will be ineligible to earn rewards.

You must treat your log in details as confidential and must not disclose them to any third party. We have the right to disable any user identification code or password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our reasonable opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. If you know or suspect that anyone other than you knows your log in details, you must promptly notify our customer support

For a subscription or purchase Deal, the advertiser must be able to successfully charge your credit card at least once or for the number of times specified in the particular Deal's terms to receive credit. Some of our Advertisers will not accept prepaid cards to complete Deals. You will not be credited with completing a Deal unless the Advertiser confirms your completion, so do not use a prepaid card for Deals or cancel a Deal right after you signup. Many Advertisers will not give credit to a Quick Cancel. For this reason, there may be a delay from the time you sign up for a Deal and when it appears as a completed Deal on your Reward Status or if you Quick Cancel, we reserve the right to not give you credit for a Deal even if it’s listed as completed in your Reward Status. Additional terms and conditions may apply to participate in select marketing Deals. You should read the terms of each Deal provided by the Advertiser for an explanation of these terms (if applicable). If you have questions about any Deals, please contact the Advertiser. Customer support is also available to provide assistance. You can contact them by clicking herel

Reward Status.

You can check on your progress at any time by logging in with your email address on the "Reward Status" page.
Sometimes Deals aren't properly accounted for when you check your Reward Status. You should keep email confirmations from completed Deals as we may ask for them during the claims process to confirm you're entitled to claim a Reward.

We also reserve the right to require you to provide us with proof of payment for completed Deals. Acceptable proof includes copies of bank or credit card statements. When you make copies of your statements, we ask that you cover your account number.

Claiming Your Reward.

Start the claims process by logging onto the "Reward Status" webpage on the site and selecting "Claim My Reward." Complete the required information: name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, and Reward. We will review your claim and confirm whether you have completed all the required steps to earn a Reward. If one or more Deals haven't registered in our system, we will send a manual credit form via email. Please print out the form and complete it and provide an unaltered copy of the confirmation email(s) and proof of payment. You can send a scan of the documentation or send a photo of the required documentation using your smart phone.

Once we have verified that you have completed the requisite Deals, we will send you a claim form via email. Currently we use Adobe EchoSign to send our claim forms. Once we have verified that you have completed the required Deals and we have received a properly executed claim form and proof of your current household mailing address (e.g. a utility bill), we will send you your Reward within six weeks. We reserve the right to audit claims to ensure that only users who fully comply with these Terms & Conditions can claim a Reward. You will only get credit for a Deal is the advertiser or Deal sponsor credits you with the Deal. If you Quick Cancel - cancel a Deal shortly after you sign up - or your payment for a Deal is declined which may happen if you use a prepaid debit card, you may not be credited with the Deal even if it shows up your Reward Status.

If your Reward is a gift card, you will receive an email with a virtual gift card which can only be used for online purchases. The virtual gift card provider may Deal you the option of transferring the balance from the virtual gift card to your bank account for a fee. You need to complete the claims verification process within 60 days of when you first start the process by clicking on "Claim My Reward" on the website and you must file your claim form along with your proof of address within 30 days of when we send the claim form to you – failure to do so may result (in our absolute discretion) in you losing any progress that you have made (including any Deals completed) up until the point of the expiry of the relevant time period. We reserve the right to substitute a Reward of equal or greater value if the Reward you earned is unavailable for any reason. We are not responsible and will not replace any lost, stolen or misdelivered Rewards unless the mis-delivery is clearly because of our error.

We rely on our users providing accurate registration information so we and our Marketing Partners can connect with and market to our users. If your registration information (name, postal address, email address) does not match the information on your claim form, we reserve the right to disqualify you. In some situations, our system may pre-populate inaccurate registration information. If this happens, please contact us here and provide us the correct information so we can update the system.


We may contact you to ask your permission to use some of your details for publicity purposes on our website. We may ask to use your first name, last initial, City and County of residence (for example, John S. Doe, Glasgow). We may also ask for a testimonial and/or a picture of you with your Reward. We will always contact you before we use any of your details in this manner and we will not do so unless you provide us with your consent first. If you submit either a testimonial or a photograph as part of that testimonial, you grant us a royalty-free license to display and use what you submit to us in any medium.


Household Waiting Period Rule. Rewards are limited to one Reward of any kind per person and per Household per Eligibility Period. You and the members of your Household must wait 12 months after completing all of the Deals required for a Tier 1 Reward before becoming eligible for another Reward (either a Tier 1 Reward or a Tier 2 Reward), and you must wait 24 months after completing all of the Deals required for a Tier 2 Reward before becoming eligible for another Reward (either a Tier 1 Reward or a Tier 2 Reward). We may ask you to prove your Household address so we can ensure compliance with the rule that limits Rewards to one Reward per household per one year or two years depending on the Reward Tier. You can prove this by supplying a recent copy of a utility bill, your lease, a mortgage statement or a property tax bill. If you cannot prove your Household address to our reasonable satisfaction, you will be ineligible to receive a Reward. Please be aware that once you or another member of your Household has obtained a Reward, none of the members of your Household can obtain another Reward until the expiry of the applicable Eligibility Period.

Employees of {{brand}}, and affiliates and its advertising, publisher, fulfillment, agency and Marketing Partners, and their immediate families (including those living in the same households) are not eligible to earn a Reward. If we determine you are affiliated with {{brand}}, we reserve the right to disqualify you.

You cannot complete Deals using a bot or other automated means of signing up or otherwise tamper with our system or attempt to defraud us by using multiple email addresses or other means or otherwise "game" the process of earning Rewards to circumvent the limitations described above. You also cannot use a link to the website provided by another person or one obtained outside of our normal marketing channels such as a YouTube video or gaming site or reuse a link that you previously used to claim a Reward. We may also disqualify you if you access a website 'mid-path' by skipping the registration and/or survey pages. If we reasonably believe you are attempting to do so, we may void all of your attempts to earn a Reward.

Marketing, Telemarketing and Text Messages

Before you submit any information to us, we will ask for your consent to us contacting you with adverts and promotional Deals in relation to certain products or services which may be of interest to you. We will also ask for your consent to share your information with our partners so that they may do the same.

Provided you give us your consent, we may contact you by by email, text, phone (which may include artificial voice calls, pre-recorded messages, automated calls or voicemail messages) and post. With your consent, we may share your information with our partners, who may contact you by the same means.

You do not need to provide this consent to earn a reward or purchase any goods or services offered on our website, or any of our group companies' websites. Your consent simply allows you to be contacted by these means.

If you are contacted by text message, message and data rates may apply. You can text STOP to opt-out of future messages and HELP for help.

Privacy, Security and Links. Our Privacy Policy, sets out the terms on which we process any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us.

Please read this carefully if you have not already done so. Our websites may contain links to other sites or services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices, content or the security of any third party sites. If you require further information on your Deal submissions, qualification and Reward delivery, please submit your question here or view our FAQs.

Tax Liability

You are responsible for all applicable taxes on any Reward you receive.

Dispute Resolution

If you have a dispute concerning any aspect of these Terms & Conditions, the website Website, your participation in a Deal, entitlement to a Reward or a telemarketing call or SMS/text message you received from us or a Marketing Partner, you should first contact customer support on website or complete a customer support form. We will attempt to resolve the matter to your satisfaction within thirty (30) days of our receipt of a customer support form. We may choose to provide you with a final written settlement Deal during this process.

Policy Against Spam. We require that all emails promoting the site are sent only to users who have agreed to receive such emails. We prohibit any advertising of the Earn Your Swag website using "spam"- unsolicited emails. If an Advertiser or other person advertising or promoting the website fail to comply with our "no spam" policy, we will terminate our agreement with such entity. If you feel you've been sent unsolicited spam emails promoting the {{brand}} website and would like to register a complaint, please let us know here. We will immediately investigate all allegations of Spam email and take appropriate action.

Limitation of Liability

We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

To the maximum extent allowed by applicable law, we will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of or relating to the Terms & Conditions, the {{brand}} website or a Reward, no matter how caused. In no event will our total cumulative liability to you exceed an amount equal to the greater of (i) the value of the Reward for which you have registered, and (ii) £500.

Deals are the responsibility of the Advertiser and to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law, we will not have any liability whatsoever for, or in relation to, any Deal.


You agree to indemnify and hold us and our affiliates, and each of their respective members, officers, directors, employees, agents and/or other partners, harmless from and against any and all claims, expenses (including reasonable professional costs and expenses and settlement costs), damages, suits, costs, demands and/or judgments whatsoever, made by any third party due to or arising out of: (i) your use of an RZU Website, any service provided by us, user generated content or content; (ii) your breach of these Terms & Conditions; (iii) your violation of any rights including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights; or (iv) any deceptive, threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing or offensive material contained in any of your email communications or other submissions to the {{brand}} website.


We may revise these Terms & Conditions any time. Your continued use of this site and/or participation in a Promotion evidences your acceptance of any changes. If you do not accept any of the Terms & Conditions or this summary, we ask that you not complete our registration process or access the site.

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between us and supersedes and extinguishes all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between us, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter. We each agree that we shall have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these Terms and Conditions. We each agree that we shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation based on any statement in these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions does not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales and each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions or their subject matter or formation.


The following definitions apply in these Terms and Conditions:

  1. Advertiser means the entity responsible for the Deal;
  2. Eligibility Period means 12 months from receipt of a Tier 1 Reward in respect of Tier 1 Rewards and 24 months from receipt of Tier 2 Reward in respect of Tier 2 Rewards;
  3. Household means a residence where you live and cannot be a PO Box, where you work, or other non-residential address;
  4. Reward means merchandise, products or gift cards which can be earned by completing the required Deals in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;
  5. Reward Status means the completion status for a Reward, displaying the number of Deals that have been completed and the number of Deals required to be completed to qualify for an Reward;
  6. Manual Credit Packet means a submission containing documentary proof of completion of the requisite number of Deals that have not registered on our system and that appear on the Reward Status page;
  7. Marketing Partner means our affiliate, Advertisers and marketing partners;
  8. Deal means each promotional Deal that is made available through the {{brand}} website
  9. Quick Cancel means cancelling or failing to pay for an Deal shortly after signing up such that the Advertiser/Deal promoter does not register the Deal in its system as a valid sign-up;